Reputable Solicitors
what are violent crimes?
At SKB Legal, we have experience of dealing with petty to serious violent and sexual offences coming before the courts.
Offences of violence and sexual offences can take a variety of forms and therefore, it is important to ensure that early advice is sought. We also have pretty extensive experience of dealing with grave crimes such as Murder and Manslaughter, including Rape. While these investigations can be fairly lengthy and protracted, we can offer fixed fees to remove the anxiety of not knowing exactly what the overall costing’s of an enquiry or proceeding can look like. We aim as a result to be as transparent as possible.
Also while you may be concerned to establish what might happen if a court were later to convict and sentence you for serious crimes, we like to be prepared and can offer early conferences with senior Counsel, to ensure you have engaged in early discussions and advice. We look to ensure that all preparatory work is undertaken diligently on your behalf so that you have the benefit of knowing that your case is in safe hands.
what we mean by violent crimes?
- Common Assault
- Affray
- Violent Disorder
- Murder
- * Rape & Indecent Images
Free 15 Minute Telephone Consultation
- Free & No Obligation
- Speak immediately with a solicitor
- Reassurance & a clear plan of action
- Free quote provided promptly
- Complete confidentiality assured
- Video conferencing systems supported
Contact SKB Legal
Speak To Our experts
We pride ourselves on providing you with the very best Advocates who are attuned to representing your very best position, negotiating successful outcomes and adept at reconciling difficult issues on their feet. These are trained advocates who have been handpicked to represent you to the best of their abilities.
We also have a special relationship with a leading set of Chambers in the heart of London, which allows us to select the best advocate for your circumstances and your case. Where the situation requires it we can meet you often at short notice to progress your matter with Counsel on board from the very beginning.
Our Details
Meetings By Appointment only
- 0203 973 5773
- [email protected]
- Head office: The Luton Capability Green Centre, Capability Green, Luton, England, LU1 3PE
Our Promise To You
Quality of Advocacy
We pride ourselves on providing you with the very best Advocates who are attuned to representing your very best position, negotiating successful outcomes and adept at reconciling difficult issues on their feet. These are trained advocates who have been handpicked to represent you to the best of their abilities.
We also have a special relationship with a leading set of Chambers in the heart of London, which allows us to select the best advocate for your circumstances and your case. Where the situation requires it, we can meet you often at short notice to progress your matter with Counsel on board from the very beginning.
Our Quality Standards
- Transparent
- Accessible
- Effective
Additional Information
Frequently Asked Questions

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