Are voluntary interviews less serious?
Yes we are we are on hand 24 hours per day 7 days per week. We always have you covered for police stations or courts up and down the country.

Do I need a solicitor?
The question we most frequently get asked. This is not a one size fits all and it is important to recognise that whether the matter involves you being arrested or voluntarily investigated that Legal advice should be sought everyone who attends a police station for a voluntary interview. Contacting a solicitor to attend the interview with you does not despite the popular view make you look guilty. Indeed, it is the most proactive way of reducing the chances of being charged and if you are charged receiving a more appropriate outcome.

Are you available out of hours and over the weekend?
Yes we are we are on hand 24 hours per day 7 days per week. We always have you covered for police stations or courts up and down the country

Why SKB Legal as opposed to a legally aided firm?
While you always have the option of contacting a Legal Aid provider we do not offer free legal advice and assistance at SKB Legal apart from an initial free telephone consultation to diagnose the issues. We pride ourselves on delivering a hands on legal advice service with experienced Solicitors and Leading Counsel. While we do not pretend that we are not a busy Criminal Practice the demands on legal aid providers at a time of cut backs and ongoing funding constraint do not hinder us in the same manner.