SKB Legal

SKB Legal Features In ‘Business Focus Magazine’

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As a leading law firm, SKB Legal endeavours to provide clients with expert advice and professional help for various legal matters, ranging from public disorder to fraud claims. We take pride in fighting our client’s corner to produce the best possible outcome and take great pride in this dedication being recognised by Business Focus Magazine. Our commitment to embracing new challenges in both the investigation and frequent changes in legislation has featured in a profound global magazine devoted to showcasing businesses that have gone above and beyond to provide exceptional services.

Fighting Your Corner Every Step of the Way

Business Focus Magazine is designed to offer insights into inspiring and influential businesses around the globe who have achieved the highest standards within their field. The magazine includes professional and expert opinions, the challenges businesses face and case studies to showcase outstanding achievements. SKB Legal has featured in the Summer 2021 edition of the Business Focus Magazine for our excellent service, passion for helping clients resolve situations efficiently, our ambitious attitudes and recent success representing an Accountant firm during their legal dispute over fraudulent claims.

Embracing the ‘New’

With evidence primarily being served digitally and changing legislations throughout the pandemic, SKB Legal has embraced and adapted to these challenges and strive to continuously innovate. As these challenges arise, SKB Legal will always inform and advise the client, helping them to stay up to date as much as possible.

Being highly qualified in London with over two decades of experience, Susanta Banerjee leads SKB Legal with hundreds of cases under his belt and years of practice with some of the biggest Criminal Defence practices in the South-East. Susanta and his team specialise in many investigations, including those by the RSPCA, Trading Standards and the MOD. The team also work on various offences providing bespoke solutions; these offences can range from Drug Possession and Supply, Violent Offences and Fraud, including Benefit Fraud, Investment Fraud and White-Collar Fraud. SKB Legal works with a variety of clients facing investigation, such as our work with a suspect that had been accused of a bomb hoax during the time of the 7/7 bombings.

Engaging with Pedigree Lawyers and Counsel

For every investigation, SKB Legal engages pedigree lawyers and counsel, which ensures that the greatest level of representation is provided. Our lawyers and counsel have exceptional experience, knowledge and understanding of investigating procedures and officers, which always proves crucial in obtaining a successful outcome.

A great example of this outstanding level of commitment, dedication and experience can be found in a recent case SKB Legal represented. Our team represented an Accountants firm that had been accused of committing fraud with the Covid-9 Small Business Grant. Right from the beginning, at the voluntary interview stage, which had taken place at the Council offices, the SKB Legal team were present to provide advice and representation for the client. The team adopted a non-confrontational attitude towards the investigators while reminding the Council that it was their duty to complete a fair and impartial investigation. Despite the limited information available in regards to the new legislation, SKB Legal was able to secure letters and references from the grant applicants. These explained that rather than fraud, this was, in fact, maladministration, which helped the client avoid prosecution.

Seek Professional Help

In the case of investigation or suspicion of a criminal offence, the authority should seek the advice of a professional to prevent prosecution. If you or your business are facing investigation, please contact the SKB Legal team on 0203 9735773 or via email at You can also find our feature in Business Focus Magazine by subscribing to their digital copy.

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